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We have grouped all the questions with answers that we received during the last few years. However, if you don’t find the answer to your question, fill free to contact us.

YES, each item is sold with its own Certificate of Guarantee and Originality.

NO. Our products can be purchased from many stores in Venice and its surroundings and also from some foreign stores in USA and New Zealand. In addition, we are also present in some MarketPlace such as Etsy LaFondazioneMurano Faire La Fondazione – Handmade Murano Glass for wholesale and Google Shopping.

Yes. The creations of La Fondazione are all made in Murano glass, they are made piece by piece, working with blown or lampwork glass with traditional craftsmanship according to ancient Venetian glassmaking techniques. Each object or jewel is a unique piece, we do not use industrial type molds or mass production.


During the glass processing phase, we can apply gold leaf using 24K gold sheets from Vicenza.

YES, of course, each product in our catalog can be customized both in colors and decorations.

YES, IT IS POSSIBLE! We can make any type of jewel, vase, sculpture and chandelier in blown Murano glass or with lampwork. If you do not find what you are looking for on our site, you can send us a photo, a drawing, a sketch of what you have in mind. We can help you find the right solution for both dimensions, colors, and decorations.

All our products are made at the time of the order and therefore have different production and shipping times for the categories of products:

  • jewelry 10 – 15 days,
  • sculptures in 15 days,
  • for products in stock 3 days.

All our blown glass items are packed very carefully. For years we ship to Italy and in the world and we have varied forms of packaging to reduce the risk of product damage. Each piece is wrapped with “carta renna” so then the pieces wrapped are wrapped in bubble wrap and finally places, spaced from each other to avoid touching inside the cardboard that is filled with pieces of styrofoam. Jewelry, each piece has a protective box and is sent in small boxes or envelopes with air bubbles where are placed in the jewel box. Upon the arrival of the shipment is a good idea to view the status of the packaging to accept the subject shipment. Please note that you can request a quote for shipping insurance and content. In case there are broken products we guarantee the makeover of the part and shipping at our cost. Reported to the courier any problem, take a photo of the broken piece and send an email to asking for a replacement or call 39 3297393650. Verification procedure

  • Before opening the box, check that the package is intact. If the box is dented, take a picture and immediately mark the courier by accepting the parcel with reserve.
  • Never flip the box that could contain (for example in the case of chandeliers) pieces packed on the bottom.
  • Extract and bust the pieces one by one with care them on a soft material, count all the pieces-carefully discard the individual pieces

In most cases, breakage occurs during the phases of the unpacking of glass objects.